Rusty Surfboards
When you encounter surfboard brands, you usually read either the full name or simply the last name. Not the case with the name Rusty Preisendorfer. Simply known as Rusty, he spent his childhood in inland suburbs of San Diego, until he surfed for the first time at the Shores Beach around 1966. Several years after, he would shape his first of many boards to come.
He eventually attends University of California, San Diego where he starts up his first surfboard line called Starlight Surfboards. His inspiration comes from many of the great shapers of that time including Dick Brewer and Mike Hynson.
In 1972, he joins Gordin & Smith Surfboards and both shapes and rides their surfboards. He learns and exchanges shaping techniques with other shapers working at Gordin & Smith including Mike Eaton. There, he also experiences with a epoxy/kevlar mix.
After traveling to Australia for some time, Rusty decides to leave Gordin & Smith and attempts to create his first line called Music! Surfboards in 1975. He returns ti UCSD to pursue a degree in Art. At the end of the 1970’s, he joins up with the Canyon team, resulting in ending his first surfboard line.
Rusty shapes many successful boards leading to many pro-surfers winning top titles at surfing championships in the early part of 1980’s. Due to the success, Rusty breaks off from Canyon and officially creates the surfboard line that bears his name.
Throughout the 1990’s, Rusty Surfboards endorses many of the pro-surfers of that decade including Taylor Knox and Chris Ward. Alongside surf, the company was one of the first to crossover and endorse athletes in the skate and snow industries including Tony Hawk.
To the present day, Rusty Surfboards continues to be successful in its surfboard designs and shape surfboards to the present generation’s tastes.